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The goal of sysreqs is to make it easy to identify R package system dependencies. There are two components to this package: an “API” and a wrapper package.

This API and package is based on rstudio/r-system-requirements and the API client for RStudio Package Manager. The functionality is inspired by [pak::pkg_system_requirements()].


This package can be installed from github.



The primary function is get_pkg_sysreqs() this will return a named list for each system dependency identified where each element is a named list for each required system library containing the dependencies, recommended pre-installation and post-installation commands. This function works for only one package at a time.


get_pkg_sysreqs("igraph", os = "ubuntu", "16.04")
#> $glpk
#> $glpk$dependencies
#> [1] "libglpk-dev"
#> $glpk$pre_installs
#> [1] NA
#> $glpk$post_installs
#> [1] NA
#> $gmp
#> $gmp$dependencies
#> [1] "libgmp3-dev"
#> $gmp$pre_installs
#> [1] NA
#> $gmp$post_installs
#> [1] NA
#> $libxml2
#> $libxml2$dependencies
#> [1] "libxml2-dev"
#> $libxml2$pre_installs
#> [1] NA
#> $libxml2$post_installs
#> [1] NA

If you seek the dependencies for multiple packages use get_pkgs_sysreqs().

  c("rJava", "igraph", "rgdal", "spdep"),
  "ubuntu", "16.04"
#> # A tibble: 8 × 5
#>   pkg    name    dependencies pre_installs post_installs   
#>   <chr>  <chr>   <list>       <list>       <chr>           
#> 1 rJava  gnumake <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <NA>            
#> 2 rJava  java    <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    R CMD javareconf
#> 3 igraph glpk    <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <NA>            
#> 4 igraph gmp     <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <NA>            
#> 5 igraph libxml2 <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <NA>            
#> 6 rgdal  gdal    <chr [2]>    <chr [3]>    <NA>            
#> 7 rgdal  proj    <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <NA>            
#> 8 spdep  <NA>    <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <NA>

Additionally, if you want to retrieve the json simply parses as a list without any helpers, please use the various fetch_*() functions.


Access to the R system dependency data that are available from rstudio/r-system-requirements is made available by a simple plain-text website hosted at The sysreq package makes calls to that url to fetch information


  • patterns is used as a look-up table for identify system dependencies
  • systems provides a list of available operating systems (limited to linux distributions)
  • /rules is a directory containing the lookup rools for each system dependencies requirements e.g. rules/gdal.json
  • /pkgs is a directory containing json files for each package listing their name, version, and system dependencies e.g. pkgs/igraph.json